Thursday, December 7, 2017


by Sam J Christopher

So 1 country (that’s one, O-N-E) – albeit a strange one, helmed by an even stranger president - decides to move its embassy. And suddenly the whole world erupts in self-righteous anger! Big deal. I mean, just ONE solitary embassy, in a city not exactly the most developed available, agitates the whole globe? You gotta be kidding me! What’s the fuss all about?

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

NEWSFLASH November 2017

by A Lump of Clay

NEWSFLASH November 2017:
”A man driving a Home Depot rental truck, mowed down pedestrians and cyclists in
New York today, leaving eight people dead. The bodies were later covered in white sheets.The man, an immigrant of Middle-Eastern origin was shot several times by the police. He was later apprehended while shouting ‘Allahu akhbar’. A pellet gun and a paintball gun were recovered from the scene.”

Wait a minute,

We can’t mention “Middle-Eastern origin”; that’s racial profiling.

Sunday, September 17, 2017

NABEEL QURESHI – A Christ-like Christian

by Sam J Christopher

Nabeel Qureshi (1983-2017)

Christ-like in his love, for his lost fellow men
Faithful all the way, even to his painful end

Friday, August 25, 2017


by Sam J Christopher

Recently went to a "church" on the top floor of a 6-storey business complex located in prime real estate in the city. Could hear the kick-drum thundering right through to the ground floor. When I entered the heavy doors of the 2,000-seater hall, I was immediately blasted by a solid wall of 120dB yells.

Thursday, May 18, 2017


by Sam J Christopher

If I say I have love for you in my heart and then proceed to revoke that love because of the hurt you caused me, what kind of "love" is that? At best, it is just a fleeting romance. It certainly cannot be the kind of love that was described to the Corinthians.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017


by Sam J Christopher

Of late, the annual parade of glitzy award presentations seem to have become predictable and off-puttingly boring. Those were the days when the ratio of real actors really acting, to stunt doubles, was an interesting 1:1. But with the advent of camera tricks, digital enhancement, 4D computer graphics, karaoke and the ubiquitous selfie, there's nothing much to look forward to anymore, really. What now really grips the “live-telecast” world is not "What's coming out next?", but rather, "Who's coming out next?"