Wednesday, December 8, 2010


by Sam J Christopher

I happened to catch an interesting piece of “trivia” on our TV3 prime-time news recently. Goes something like this:
 It seems one Joslyn James held a press conference to protest the use of her image on novelty golf balls. She argued that the balls would encourage violence against women.
“…I feel it is wrong for a golf ball to have my picture on it because golfers hit their golf balls with a lot of force. As a victim of violence myself, it bothered me to think that someone would be standing with a dangerous club hitting a ball with my photo on it,” James said.
Her legal counsel, Gloria Allred added, “Putting a woman’s face on a golf ball which a golfer may swing at with full force may increase the risk of harm to women. Playing a round of golf with these balls may leave marks resembling bruises on the face of the ball which may lead to inappropriate jokes about hitting women.”

Wow! What deep insight! What sharp reasoning! What far-sighted sensitivity! What  admirable morals in 2010! Ya right.

Now read the full story …….

USA - Feb 2010 (Courtesy of - On Wednesday, porn star Joslyn James (aka Eronica Daniels), who acknowledged having an affair with golfer Tiger Woods, held a press conference to protest the use of her image on novelty golf balls featuring the alleged mistresses of the amorous golfer.
This was the first time James publicly acknowledged her romantic involvement with Woods and provided a text message from him, which read “Baby I’m not going anywhere or doing anything. You please me like no other has or ever will. I am not losing that.”
Creative Classics recently released the line of golf balls that feature the faces of women who allegedly had affairs with the married golfer.
James was joined by her legal counsel, famed attorney Gloria Allred, to protest the release of the novelty balls and argued that the balls would encourage violence against women, according to Sawf News.
“…I feel it is wrong for a golf ball to have my picture on it because golfers hit their golf balls with a lot of force. As a victim of violence myself, it bothered me to think that someone would be standing with a dangerous club hitting a ball with my photo on it,” James said.
She also stated she was “in love with Tiger” and believed Woods would not want her face on a golf ball because she believed he loved her too.
Allred also spoke saying “Putting a woman’s face on a golf ball which a golfer may swing at with full force may increase the risk of harm to women. Playing a round of golf with these balls may leave marks resembling bruises on the face of the ball which may lead to inappropriate jokes about hitting women.”

How's that for a round of morals with a twist! More like a totally twisted morality. A charade of morality without acknowledging the Sovereign Authority behind it. But I’ll stop at that – musn’t sound judgmental maa………

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