Thursday, December 7, 2017


by Sam J Christopher

So 1 country (that’s one, O-N-E) – albeit a strange one, helmed by an even stranger president - decides to move its embassy. And suddenly the whole world erupts in self-righteous anger! Big deal. I mean, just ONE solitary embassy, in a city not exactly the most developed available, agitates the whole globe? You gotta be kidding me! What’s the fuss all about?

The political wisdom of it aside (not that there is an exemplary abundance of that commodity anywhere these days), what’s amusing is, even a minor political party in the remote 3rd world country that I live in, is rallying against said move. (I would join such fun rallies, if only I could see what on earth the hullabaloo is all about). And the oddity is, just about every other country too is tripping over itself to distance itself from this apparent hot potato.

What is it that is so gloriously irresistible about this piece of much-trampled ancient real estate - one that only bearded archaeologist types seem to be fascinated with - that has triggered just about everyone around the globe? What did I miss? Must admit I was a little distracted with the shenanigans north of the 38th parallel which is closer to home. Oh my! That poor little guy strutting about in a raincoat, who has little do other than fire rockets into the sea, must be feeling really neglected, what with his nifty haircut (not to mention his crashing rockets) suddenly going off the global screens overnight.

Methinks the rest of us ordinary folks, who are more concerned with urgent life-n-death issues like catching the umpteenth remake of "Armageddon-The Day After", need not be overly concerned with who shifts whose embassy to where.

Or should we?

“Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of intoxication to all the people round about, when they shall be in siege against Judah and against Jerusalem. And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, even though all the people of the earth are gathered together against it.” - the LORD OF HEAVEN (Zecharaiah 12:2-3) 

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