Thursday, May 18, 2017


by Sam J Christopher

If I say I have love for you in my heart and then proceed to revoke that love because of the hurt you caused me, what kind of "love" is that? At best, it is just a fleeting romance. It certainly cannot be the kind of love that was described to the Corinthians.

I am convinced genuine love is not one that is crafted by the "goodness" in our own hearts. Rather it is one that is modeled after God's Divine love. God's love is not given and revoked in measured quantities, in tandem with the level of our moment-by-moment responses to Him. No. GOD IS LOVE. Period. And He is FOREVER!
God draws His people with a love that is infinitely stronger than human will; cords than may stretch, but NEVER snap. This is His very nature! If you disagree, sorry, I suspect you have yet to really taste God’s love in reality.
May our love ALWAYS be a reflection of nothing but God's eternal love. - Sam J Christopher

"LOVE endures long
 LOVE is kind
 LOVE is not jealous
 LOVE does not boast
 LOVE is not proud
 LOVE does not behave improperly
 LOVE does not seek its own well-being
 LOVE is not easily provoked
 LOVE plots no evil
 LOVE does not rejoice over wickedness
 LOVE rejoices in the truth
 LOVE bears all things
 LOVE believes all things
 LOVE hopes all things
 LOVE endures all things." (1Corinthians 13:4-7)

"But God displays His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." (Romans 5:8)

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