by Sam J Christopher
the Ethiopian change his skin, or the leopard his spots?" (Jer 13:23)
thousands of years have passed since these rhetorical words were uttered.
Today, both these "impossibilities" are actually possible, thanks to
quantum leaps in the field of genetics in the last hundred years, that remained
unavailable in the days of the prophet..
But be
that as it may, the point of that rhetoric must not be lost in the
ever-changing science-driven knowledge landscape.
It must
be noted that, no matter what skin tone an Ethiopian may now sport, he remains
in all reality AN ETHIOPIAN. And no matter what new pattern the leopard now is
made to sport, it remains in all reality A LEOPARD.
I hear
you go, "So what? This is as astounding a revelation as a public
announcement that the grass outside is actually green!"
Ha! I
knew you'd say that. That's why my story doesn't end there.
see, there are those who insist that Christians/believers (EVEN GENUINE ONES)
can lose their salvation. And they confidently quote that verse about a dog
returning to its vomit and a pig returning to its mudhole, to prop up their
theology. Well I've got news for them.
is NOT attained by turning away from vomit & mud holes. If it were, the vast
majority of people in this world (who subscribe to "be good, do good")
are automatically saved and on their way to heaven! (Except maybe for some
REALLY nasty chaps in black, running around cutting off people's heads). And
without even needing to acknowledge Jesus!
friends. Salvation is NOT attained by changing lifestyles, habits, looks and watering
holes. Salvation is about God TRANSFORMING a person into a NEW CREATURE. It
involves a total overhaul, beginning with that inner person. To come back to
the animal illustration, God TRANSFORMS that vomit-eating dog into a sheep that
lives on a completely different diet. A sheep for whom the Good Shepherd goes
seeking until he finds it, saves it and CARRIES it home with great joy! A sheep
that recognizes His Master's voice. A sheep for whom the Good Shepherd gives
his life to save from a fate worse than death. Such a sheep will NEVER return
to the ways of the vomit-eating dog. For that old nature is gone with a Divine
wash with the perfect blood of the Saviour. Even if the new sheep is enticed to
take a whiff of that old dog-vomit, the Good Shepherd's rod (and if necessary
the staff too) will be an ever present correcting comfort!
A modern-day
illustration of salvation would be the caterpillar that metamorphoses into a butterfly. For
all practical purposes the two might as well be completely different creatures. Now, Nature is such, that there is NO WAY that nectar-sucking butterfly is ever
gonna revert to being a leaf-gobbling caterpillar. No, that old leaf-muncher
thingy is GONE. In its stead emerges a creature that is made ALL NEW! If that is the way with Nature,
how much more POWERFUL, EFFICIENT and TRUSTWORTHY are the ways of the CREATOR
of Nature! When He declares all things are made new, you bet ALL THINGS ARE
MADE NEW! Not just a metaphor, gosh!
course for now, such a TRANSFORMED sheep still sports its leopard spots. But
that is set to change IN THE TWINKLING OF AN EYE, when the trumpet sounds and
the Good Shepherd appears to bring his sheep home to His Father's mansions.
bottom line, to my non-Christian friends - your self-styled "golden
rule" isn't going to cut it beyond your grave (and there's quite an
extensive program beyond the grave, you know). You need this Jesus who is in
the business of TRANSFORMING people for eternity.
To my
well-meaning Christian friends who believe that their ultimate salvation is
dependent on STRIVING (must do this and that) to stay away from all that vomit
- stop kidding yourself. All your self-efforts will wither away when you least
expect it. Don't deceive yourselves. Temptation/persecution will come when you
least expect it. Only Christ TRANSFORMS you AND SECURES your salvation.
To my
(very few)friends who are utterly resting in no other Name but JESUS as the
AUTHOR and FINISHER of your faith - that God-wrought faith will not be in
vain. For even while fearing and trembling at the salvation that is being
wrought in you by the Grace of God, you can rest assured that God Himself will
work salvation in you. (Phil 2:12-13). Because NOTHING exists that can fail
God's purposes for you.
bless you all.
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