Thursday, October 20, 2016


by A Lump of Clay

Pravda headlines carry shocking statement from the Russian President: “I’ve had enough of the flies in Syria!” The usually stoic Russian President has reportedly ordered immediate deployment of S-500 missiles to the roadside eateries of Aleppo to establish a much needed no-fly zone there. He also warned his generals of stern action if batteries are not included like the last time. Meanwhile, considering the global downturn in economy, the generals are reported to be in a deadlock over which weapon would be more cost-effective in Syria – S-500 or Samsung 7? A decision is expected before winter. UN Secretary General refused comment saying, "I've a plane to catch."

Monday, September 12, 2016


by A Lump Of Clay

The human being is one of the few creatures on this planet that is endowed (whether by an Intelligent Designer or by mindless evolution) with an amazing contraption at the end of the limb. No, I don’t mean the i-phone, silly. The prehensile HAND. For those who are not overly fascinated by Darwinian evolution, “prehensile” translates as “having the ability to grasp things”. This by no means implies that those who are unable to grasp the immense wisdom in this piece of holiday drivel, are in any way fallen behind in Darwinian development in the higher faculties. (We can take it up slooooowly another day).

The hand consists of 1 unpigmented palm, on which are attached 5 flexible digits. Together they are simply amazing in construction and utility. But as I observe the debris of life, as it floats by my un-tinted window, each of the digits that occupy the palm of the human hand are not without its own controversy. Since I am quite accustomed to controversy, let me list them out.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016


by a Lump of Clay

Pheeew! I don’t know, but apparently it’s the equinox. What does that have to do with a country sitting smack at the equator? Beats me. But I’m told the heat has gone up to 39*C in some parts of this equatorial paradise where I live. And is expected to go even higher. (Probably in tandem with the local political temperature? I don’t know. Not really into politics. Too hot to handle). I don’t know about the *C, but I can tell you this. It has been blooming hot lately, that’s for sure.

The authorities assure me they are desperately trying to do something about it. I’m sure they are. After all they ARE the authorities, right?

Friday, March 18, 2016


by Sam J Christopher

"Can the Ethiopian change his skin, or the leopard his spots?" (Jer 13:23)

Well, thousands of years have passed since these rhetorical words were uttered. Today, both these "impossibilities" are actually possible, thanks to quantum leaps in the field of genetics in the last hundred years, that remained unavailable in the days of the prophet.. 

But be that as it may, the point of that rhetoric must not be lost in the ever-changing science-driven knowledge landscape.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

AN OLD HYMN (as sung by some "christians" these days)

Sam J Christopher

My hope is built on my witness
Not Jesus’ blood and righteousness;
I dare not trust His sweetest Name,
So also lean on my own name.

On Christ, the part-time Rock, I stand;
All my own ground can help me stand.
All my own ground can help me stand.

When darkness veils His lovely face,
I rest on my own strength and faith;
In every high and stormy gale,
My anchor holds within my sail.

His oath, His covenant, His blood
Is not enough in the whelming flood;
When all around my soul gives way,
My self-effort will be my stay.

When He shall come with trumpet sound,
Oh, in my strength may I be found;
Dressed in my righteousness alone,
My trumpet loud before the throne.


You see, I have been pondering on some discussion relating to God's salvation plan. Some Christians hold that God's salvation plan comes in 2 separate parts - where God does His part and man does his part, in order for that salvation to be materialize effectively – like a glue plus hardener. I don't subscribe to that.