Sunday, December 25, 2022


by Sam J Christopher 

JESUS - He who created the universe and all therein.
JESUS - He who spoke from the burning bush.
JESUS - He who gave us the 10 commandments.
JESUS - He who filled the temple with His Glory
JESUS - He who conquered death though killed and buried in a sealed tomb.
JESUS - He who gave meaning to our faith by His astounding resurrection.
JESUS - He who ascended in clouds in full view of His believers.
JESUS - He who is for evermore the Alpha and Omega, the Ancient Of Days.
JESUS - He who is coming soon to grab us into the clouds to be with him forever.

So much and more to celebrate about our great God and Almighty Saviour JESUS CHRIST.

Monday, July 18, 2022


It was in the lush green hills of the former Lady Templer Hospital in Cheras that I first became acquainted with the late Fredrick. I was just a small primary school boy in the 60’s when I came to know him as Segaran. But very soon I regarded him as “Annan”, just as he was “Annan” to so  many of the younger ones in his extended family.

Saturday, January 8, 2022


by Sam J Christopher

Well it's out again. The same corny New Year themes:                 "Year of refreshing...Year of revival ...Year of rebuilding.....Year of restoration........ Blah blah blah......"

Who the heck comes up with these?

How come it's never any of these